Avenue of the Baobabs

Welcome to the iconic Avenue of the Baobabs, a natural marvel etched into the landscape of western Madagascar. Nestled in the Menabe region, this remarkable avenue stands as a testament to the island’s unique biodiversity. Majestic baobab trees, with their towering, ancient trunks, line the dusty road, creating an otherworldly and enchanting scene.

Located near the town of Morondava, the Avenue of the Baobabs is a captivating symbol of Madagascar’s ecological richness. As the sun sets, casting a warm glow on these ancient giants, visitors are treated to a spectacle that transcends time. This awe-inspiring avenue beckons travelers to witness the grandeur of nature and the enduring legacy of these magnificent baobab trees.

Baobab Characteristics

The baobab trees along the Avenue of the Baobabs in Madagascar are magnificent giants with distinct physical characteristics. Towering into the sky, these ancient trees have massive, cylindrical trunks that can reach impressive heights. The trunks, often swollen and bulbous, store water, allowing the baobabs to endure arid conditions. The bark is smooth and grayish, while the branches, resembling gnarled roots, sprawl outwards. During the dry season, the trees shed their leaves, revealing their unique and stark silhouette against the sky.

Come sunset, the baobabs cast long shadows, creating a surreal and enchanting atmosphere. Known as the “Upside-Down Trees” for their branch structure that resembles roots, these iconic baobabs are not only botanical wonders but also stand as silent witnesses to the passage of time in the captivating landscape of western Madagascar.

How Big are the Avenue of the Baobabs

The Baobabs can be up to 800 years of age and reach heights of 98 feet (30 m).  The diameter of the larger trees can reach up to 36 feet (11 m) and the circumference can be up to 160 feet (50 m) around.

The Avenue of the Baobabs in Madagascar is also known as the Alley of Baobabs.  It is not indigenous to Madagascar and may be found in other parts of Africa.  It is here where the larger Baobabs are said to be located and the ones that feature the larger circumferences around 160 feet.

Wildlife of the Avenue of the Baobabs

The area around the Avenue of the Baobabs in Madagascar is home to a variety of wildlife, adding to the enchanting atmosphere of this natural wonder. While the baobab trees themselves are the main attraction, the surrounding landscape supports diverse fauna. Some of the wildlife species you may encounter include:

  1. Lemurs: Madagascar is renowned for its lemurs, and the nearby Kirindy Forest Reserve is a habitat for various lemur species, such as the Verreaux’s sifaka and the red-fronted brown lemur.
  2. Birds: The region is rich in birdlife, with species like the Madagascar bee-eater, white-throated rail, and crested ibis gracing the skies and surrounding areas.
  3. Reptiles: You might spot chameleons, geckos, and various lizard species, adding a touch of reptilian diversity to the ecosystem.
  4. Insects: The area is home to a variety of insects, including colorful butterflies and other pollinators that contribute to the unique ecology.

While the Avenue of the Baobabs is not primarily a wildlife reserve, exploring the nearby natural areas can provide opportunities to observe and appreciate the fascinating biodiversity that thrives in Madagascar’s diverse ecosystems. It’s advisable to visit adjacent reserves or parks, such as Kirindy Forest Reserve, to enhance your wildlife experience in the region.


Travelers should visit the Avenue of the Baobabs for a once-in-a-lifetime experience immersed in the natural wonders of Madagascar. This iconic avenue, located near Morondava, showcases the majestic and ancient baobab trees, creating a surreal and enchanting landscape. The towering, bulbous trunks and distinctive silhouettes of these trees against the sunset sky make for a mesmerizing spectacle. Beyond the visual appeal, the Avenue of the Baobabs is a symbol of Madagascar’s ecological richness and a testament to the enduring legacy of these iconic giants.

Visitors are not only treated to a unique botanical marvel but also have the opportunity to explore the surrounding natural areas, encountering diverse wildlife and gaining a deeper appreciation for the island’s extraordinary biodiversity. A journey to the Avenue of the Baobabs promises an unforgettable and immersive encounter with the beauty of nature in this captivating part of western Madagascar.